Zug von Stratford nach Stansted? Für besonders günstige Tickets buche deine Tickets so früh wie möglich und meide Reisen zur Hauptverkehrszeit.
Anbieter | Abfahrt | Reisedauer | Ankunft | Umstiege | Tickets |
Greater Anglia G26969 | 04:59 Stratford (London) (SRA) | 1Std.14 | 06:13 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia P03323 | 05:24 Maryland (MYL) | 1Std.23 | 06:47 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia Metro from Stratford International to Stratford (London) | 05:35 Stratford International (SFA) | 1Std.12 | 06:47 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia P03126 | 05:36 Maryland (MYL) | 1Std.11 | 06:47 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia P03126 | 05:36 Maryland (MYL) | 1Std.23 | 06:59 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia P03764 | 05:46 Maryland (MYL) | 1Std.13 | 06:59 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia Metro from Stratford International to Stratford (London) | 05:46 Stratford International (SFA) | 1Std.13 | 06:59 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia G30616 | 05:52 Stratford (London) (SRA) | 0Std.55 | 06:47 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia P04299 | 05:56 Maryland (MYL) | 1Std.15 | 07:11 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia G29012 | 06:03 Stratford (London) (SRA) | 0Std.56 | 06:59 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia P03907 | 06:13 Maryland (MYL) | 1Std.17 | 07:30 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia Metro from Stratford International to Stratford (London) | 06:19 Stratford International (SFA) | 1Std.11 | 07:30 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia Metro from Stratford International to Stratford (London) | 06:27 Stratford International (SFA) | 1Std.15 | 07:42 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia G28988 | 06:36 Stratford (London) (SRA) | 0Std.54 | 07:30 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia G30620 | 06:44 Stratford (London) (SRA) | 0Std.58 | 07:42 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Greater Anglia Metro from Stratford International to Stratford (London) | 06:47 Stratford International (SFA) | 1Std.12 | 07:59 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia Metro from Stratford International to Stratford (London) | 07:00 Stratford International (SFA) | 1Std.13 | 08:13 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 2 Umstiege | |
Greater Anglia G29234 | 07:04 Stratford (London) (SRA) | 0Std.55 | 07:59 Stansted Airport (SSD) | 1 Umstieg | |
Dies ist der letzte Zug des Tages. |
Alle Daten und Zeiten für diese Verbindung findest du
54 Min.
1 Std. 9 Min.
Züge pro Tag
42 km
Es ist gar nicht so einfach, von Stratford nach Stansted zu kommen, ohne mindestens einmal umzusteigen.
Entfernung 41 km |
Durchschnittliche Dauer Zugfahrt 1Std. 17Min. |
Günstigster Ticketpreis 30€ |
Züge pro Tag 13 |
Zugunternehmen 1 |
Schnellster Zug 1Std. 11Min. |
Erster Zug 00:30 |
Letzter Zug 23:54 |
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